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Free Project Services

ACO offers project specific services designed to make specification, ordering and installation easy.

The services deal with each project’s unique, hydraulic, structural, maintenance and spacial requirements.

The service is fully documented and is offered free of charge and obligation.

Project Support

askACO to propose the correct size tank for your next project

Hydraulic design deals with surface runoff as well as the temporary storage of water in storm events. The objective is to reduce the volume, speed, and frequency of surface water runoff. Factors will be site specific and calculations for hydraulic design may be undertaken using locally accepted and approved methods.

ACO can assist in sizing up a StormBrixx tank for retention, detention or infiltration based on your preferred tank dimensions or storage volume required.

Or you can Do-It-Yourself using the StormBrixx Configurator program.

Either way, you will receive a summary of the recommended StormBrixx tank dimensions, a bill of material listing all the tank pieces, access and pipe accessories including an approximate assembly time to build the tank.  ACO can also calculate the amount of geomembrane and/or geotextile required to wrap the tank.

askACO to verify the strength of the tank against the anticipated design loads

Structural design considers the load bearing capacity of the ACO StormBrixx® system to ensure it can safely carry the loads it will be subjected to. The initial decision must be made on the type of system required ‑ retention, detention or infiltration and then the design parameters shown below should be considered.

  • Soil type
  • Vertical loading (including site traffic movement)
  • Groundwater
  • Depth of cover and total installation depth
  • Surface finish
  • Horizontal loading

Consideration must be given to the maximum surface deflections allowable for the pavement above the tank. Although excessive deflections may not lead to tank failure, they will cause localised pavement deterioration. ACO can provide structural deflection results for specific live loads. Creep (long term deflections under permanent dead loads) should also be investigated to ensure the durability of the tank.

Structural calculations should be carried out using methodology detailed in CIRIA C680 – “Structural design of modular geocellular drainage tanks”.

* For Australian designers, at top left of screen – select Metric & CIRIA

ACO will provide general installation drawings, addressing key requirements.

Read Engineers Australia’s White Paper on structural integrity of tanks

To learn more about askACO services, click here

askACO to suggest access points for maintenance

The frequency of a maintenance procedure for the tank will be determined by the inspection regime. A recommendation is not less than twice-yearly inspections, and during the first year after every significant storm event.

In order to minimise silt build-up, ACO recommends the use of pretreatment systems upstream of the retention/detention system.

geomembranes and textiles

askACO to wrap your tank

ACO can supply each tank with a correctly sized geomembrane or geotextile wrap specific to the needs of your project. Impermeable geomembranes are for retention and detention applications. Permeable geotextiles are for use in infiltration applications.

For more info, click here


ACO StormBrixx® tanks can be sized using the STORMupdated programme by Cleanstormwater.  STORMupdated is a free online WSUD (water sensitive urban design) and OSD (on-site stormwater detention) compliance tool for use by councils and consultants.

Reports from STORMupdated can be submitted to local government / councils along with the development application (DA) to demonstrate compliance with local guidelines.

Project support, enquire now
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